

You may have heard recently in the news (because it is newsworthy) that Angelina and Brad Pitts kids LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat crickets. It seems that on a recent trip to Cambodia,or Loatia, or Thailand, or wherever they were, Angelina encouraged her kids to eat fried crickets. She then goes on to say that they were 'eating them like they were Doritos' and that she had to tell them to stop, as she was in fear of them getting tummy aches.

I can't stop laughing and alternatively throwing up a little. Because if you saw my kid eating Doritos you would see crumbs and orange cheesy remains on his fingers and face, and then I picture her kids with leftover bug legs on their faces.
I know people around the world eat exotic things. I've seen Bear Grylls and Survivor Man and that guy on TV who goes around the world eating weird crap. Still, the thought if it...

So then I was seduced into doing a little research. Because this site is a learning site, I will share with you what I discovered. Before that though, please enjoy viewing this delicious plate of cooked bugs.

Entomophagy,(pronounce however you feel like it)the practice of eating insects,is practiced around the world. Who cares. What you may not know is that right here in AMERICA we are all indirectly Entomophagists. That's right.

Included in the foods we eat, there are chopped up bug bits as well as other vermin that makes its way into our food supply causing us to eat up to 2 POUNDS of infested crap per year. Unaware.

Included in the FDA approved vermin list are: flies, maggots, mites, insect eggs and insect increment. For more information you can see the FDA publication: "The Food Defect Action Levels"
So the bottom line is, Angelina: I don't need to travel to eat exotic foods. I got it right here as a topping on my pizza, and they don't charge me extra!

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